Community Projects, Artists Workshops and Residencies
2008 - 2009
Culpeper Community Garden
Role: outreach garden worker and artist: NHS Mental Healthcare centre,
Drayton Park.
1994 -2009
Living Paintings Trust
Art worker making raised sculptural panels for tactile albums
from gallery collections including
The Royal Academy , Tate Galleries, Queen’s Collection,
Scottish Galleries, Courtald Gallery
1997 - 2004
National Portrait Gallery
Design and instigation of a series of sculpture weekend workshops
for adults with a range of complex disabilities.
Designed and ran a series of sculpture weekend workshops for partially
sighted and blind people. Using various materials to cast portrait
heads inspired by the collection.
1993 - 2004
National Portrait Gallery
Sculpture and arts workshops for schools
2002 - 2003
Rosedale Community Nursery
Lottery funded environmental project and year long Artist Residency.
Courtald Gallery
The design and production of 1,200 paintings
to be used as a series of tactile details from the
collection as part of a Living Paintings commission.
1996 - 1998
Arts Council of Great Britain
Royal Festival Hall . Jouet Unite. large tactile installation
for children
National Touring, Design of tactile tables various exhibitions
and Touch Panels.
National Portrait Gallery
Curator & artist for 'Breaking the Mould'.
Tactile educational exhibition.
Lilian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells:
Costume & set design & fabrication.
1995 - 1997
Islington International Festival
Design of tactile street artwork and youth workshops.
Royal Festival Hall, London
costume design & production for dance schools.
1993 - 1996
Mulberry Secondary School for Girls
3 years working part time as SEN Teacher in CDT,
art and technology departments
Raynham Primary School: Enfield. Artist in Residence,
mural project.
Beckford Primary School: year long artist residency
(London Arts funded)
Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
Artist in Residence, mural project.
Artist Solo Exhibitions and Selection of Group Shows
2007 - 2009
Flexitron Gallery : solo exhibitions
oct - dec 2008 “A Seed for Change”
june - sept 2008 “Laughter is Contageous”
april 2008 from “World Tragedy” : Tsunami 24 hours
Space 4, Peterborough Museum
march - may 2008 solo exhibition ‘1100 tokens’.
Sydney Street Gallery Brighton
may - july 2008 group show of ‘ 9/11’.
2005 - 2007
Flexitron Gallery solo exhibitions
oct 07 - march 08 ‘1100 tokens’
sept 2007 ‘911’ memorial to 343 firefighters
april - june 2007 “Flower Portraits”
aug 2006 “Paparazzi Portraits”
dec 05 - march 06 “BIO Icons”
Gallery 42, Notting Hill
may - july 2005 solo exhibition “Poppylove”
2005 - 2007 various group shows
2003 - 2004
East London Design Show
dec 2004 exhibitor.
Medcalf Gallery Exmouth Market London
june 2004 ‘Flower Portraits’ solo show.
New York: Duan St Fire Station
april 2003 9/11 memorial of 343 portraits of the fire fighters.
Applied Arts Agency, Exmouth Market London
series of group exhibitions.
100% Design Exhibitor
sept 2001 category winner Dalsouple competition.
1989 - 1999
Audacity & Letgo
1999 Point to Point solo exhibition:
portraits of heroes friends and family.
Totem, New York
1999 Street artwork intervention in collaboration with totem gallery.
City Plaza,Hong Kong
1995 Artist & architect collaboration for 60 meter site hoarding.
Roubaix, France
1994 La Braderie de L'art group show.
Victoria Art Gallery, Bath
1993 National Touring funding for solo exhibition .
Fulham Palace
1990 Solo Exhibition of New Antiques, Modern icons.
Freud's Gallery
1989 solo show of Modern Icons.
